No, not sable fur. SABLE as in Stash Accumulation Beyond Life Expectancy! A common problem among craftsy folk! Luckily, my stash has not reached that level, but it has outgrown the three drawers I have allocated to it. And that's not including the leftover fabric I have from my last few jobs (some white handbag vinyl and red pleather). My stash is fertile, and sprouts tailor's cabbage left and right!
A shopping trip to Goodwill landed me with a pattern ($0.99) and a small bit of green wool with a simple weave and a lovely drape ($2.99). The pattern is Simplicity 3631, and I like View B, the belted jacket with three-quarter length flared sleeves. When I got home, I realized that I might be smidge short on fabric, so I raided my stash and found a bit of green checkered wool of a similar weight. I also found some silver-taupe satin (unknown fiber) that would serve very well for a lining.
(Part I for planning and Part II for construction.)
Karen Roy
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December 2024