The leather album art project, first pants from scratch, then a modified jacket, was finished with a cape. I had several yards of dark red ponte knit to work with, and I merely rounded the corners to make the shape I liked. Feeling inspired by the idea of old brocade curtains and lace, but faded and worn, I decided to spray-paint the cape with lacy stencils! I bought an outdoor fabric spray paint from JoAnn's, in brown.
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* One time his inspiration was "the nineteen-eighties, super-artificial, and kind of Japanese". I combined this with "Neelix from Star Trek Voyager" and came up with a red vinyl jacket that closed diagonally across the chest with red pleather details reminiscent of a Japanese fan. I had never worked with vinyl or pleather before, so that was new! Nor had I ever altered a pattern like that, or made anything like it.
A tutorial, today! Sometimes you need to iron a garment with gathers; if you put the iron right on top of the gathered area, you'll cause creases and make the area flat instead of full, so you need a different technique.
The whole thing started in a vintage shop dressing room, with an interesting wrap dress that closed with an overlap in the back, not the front. The back, consequently, had a v-neck. Alas, it was a dreadful khaki color and too small for me, so I didn't like it; but I liked the idea of it, and came home to try my own version, using (yet again) Simplicity 3631's bodice.
Time to get the first thing off my UFO pile! I started these quilted jumps, a kind of casual 18th Century substitute for stays, back in 2015, using an older sewing machine. I re-found them in 2017, and put them in my working pile again, and now I am finally done! (Just as Spring arrives and I have no reason to wear them for months!)
Today's post will be about how a skirt works, what undergarments are ideal, how to keep a slip from slipping, how to wear a skirt, et cetera.
Karen Roy
Quilting, dressmaking, and history plied with the needle... Sites I EnjoyThe Quilt Index Categories
December 2024